Facelift | Neck Lift

Facelift & Neck Lift in Miami, FL

Reclaim your youthful contours with a Facelift from Imagos Plastic Surgery

Despite your best efforts, the aging process can take a toll on the quality of your facial appearance. Genetics and bad habits in your younger years may have left you with sagging facial tissues that may not reflect how youthful you feel on the inside. 

Fortunately, Facial Rejuvenation Surgery in Miami can treat the lower facial sagging, deep lines, neck banding, and other concerns that prevent you from having the youthful appearance that you desire. Miami facelift surgeon Dr. Garcia delivers natural neck lift and facelift results that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

If you would like to learn more about Miami facelift and neck lift surgery, please continue reading or schedule an informative consultation with Dr. Garcia today! Our practice is located in Miami and proudly serves patients from all over Florida, including Naples, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Tampa, Ft. Myers, and many other areas.

Before and after facelift female patient Imagos Plastic Surgery

What Are Facelift Surgery and Neck Lift Surgery in Miami?

Facelift surgery is a procedure designed to rejuvenate the face. This facial plastic surgery reduces sagging folds of skin on the jawline and cheeks and revitalizes other issues associated with aging. Neck lift surgery improves the appearance of sagging skin, fat deposits, and visible muscle bands on the neck. Although facelift surgery and neck lift surgery can be performed independently, they are most often combined into one procedure to achieve comprehensive, natural appearance, facial rejuvenation. 

What are the Benefits of Miami Facelift and Neck Lift Surgery?

A Rejuvenated Appearance

Wrinkles and sagging facial tissues can contribute to an aged appearance. We can refresh your look by repositioning both the facial and neck muscles to their original location. While nobody can say how many years it will erase from your appearance, it will provide you with a beautiful, rejuvenated look.

Enhanced Definition

Sagging tissue around the cheeks, jawline, and neck can obscure much of the definition that helps enhance the face. During a facelift, we can lift the cheeks to improve the overall contour of your face. Neck lift surgery removes excess skin and fat around your jawline, creating a more defined and youthful-looking neck. Enhancing face and neck definition can help you look younger and more attractive.

Natural Results

Dr. Garcia uses facelift and neck lift techniques that address both the deep and superficial layers of facial tissues. Those techniques allow him to avoid the “windswept” look of many poorly performed surgeries. He works to enhance your beauty rather than dramatically alter your facial appearance, leaving you with natural-looking results.

Envision your Reality with Confidence

Our job is to help you realize your dreams by offering the latest advances in the field of cosmetic surgery and image enhancement. Book a free consultation here at Imagos, the best plastic surgery institute in Miami, Fl.

Why Should I Choose Imagos Plastic Surgery for Facelift and Neck Lift Surgery?

When you choose Imagos Plastic Surgery, you will receive far more than you would at a standard plastic surgery clinic; we provide the highest quality service, experience, and results possible. To achieve this, we prioritize:

  • Communication — This is a crucial element of the surgeon-patient relationship. We strive to establish open communication with each and every patient before, on, and after your surgery date.
  • Honesty — We strive for honesty during every step of the process. We value your health, safety, and well-being above all and will only recommend procedures that we feel would be beneficial to you. 
  • Empathy — We realize how courageous a patient must be to reach the decision to undergo elective aesthetic surgery. We will do everything we can to educate you, make you feel heard, and let you have a say in every step of the process.
  • Time — While many clinics will have you only meet with a patient coordinator in rushed appointments, at Imagos, you will meet directly with your surgeon for your consultation and follow-up appointments after surgery. 

Minimal Correction Facelift (Mini Facelift)

Since the turn of the century, the median age for facial rejuvenation has dropped significantly. Quite often, individuals in their 40s are seen in consultation requesting facial rejuvenation procedures. These prospective patients are looking for a more refreshed and youthful facial appearance but in a less invasive manner than what previous major facelift procedures offered. 

Although the original mini facelift was associated with less discomfort and less downtime than a full facelift, the results were often barely noticeable, resulting in minimal rejuvenation with short-lasting results. Currently, our mini facelift is no longer associated with mini results! Using advanced techniques and state-of-the-art surgical lighting, we are capable of performing true facial rejuvenation with repositioning of the facial musculature and contouring of the neck, jowls and cheeks while keeping the tissue dissection to a minimum. 

Less tissue dissection translates to less bruising, less swelling, and overall, less post-surgical downtime. Initial dressings are worn 24 hours, and patients can shower and shampoo after 48 hours. Even though our current mini facelift techniques can provide significant facial rejuvenation in a less invasive manner, the procedure is not well-suited for patients who are significantly overweight or who have undergone massive weight loss. During the initial consultation, our experienced surgeon will perform a detailed examination of your facial features and determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

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Jacqueline S.


“Dr. Onelio Garcia is amazing, his bed side manners, knowledge and expertise went far and beyond my expectations. Gaby his assistant is wonderful. I have to say everyone at Imagos has been very professional and accommodating.”

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Patricia D.


“I highly recommend Imagos and Dr. Onelio Garcia…Not only is he a wonderful and experienced surgeon but is great at explaining the procedure and process along the way. The follow-up care he has given to ensure the scars are healing well is amazing and their flexibility in scheduling my appointments to be convenient with my work schedule is very much appreciated. Do not hesitate to contact Dr. Garcia or Imagos. You will be happy you did!!”

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Google Review


“I am so happy with the results of my surgery, Dr. Garcia is a great surgeon. He is knowledgeable and has a gift for making a patient feel at ease and confident before surgery. The staff at Imagos is friendly, kind and helpful.
It’s only been a little over three weeks since my surgery the results so far are amazing. I am a little swollen but that is expected. I highly recommend Imagos, especially Dr. Garcia.”

Ready to Get Started? Reach Out to Us Today!

Interested in learning more about how facelift and neck lift surgery can revitalize your appearance? We invite you to schedule a consultation at Imagos to discuss your plastic surgery in more detail, learn about the options most suitable for you, and answer any questions you may have. We look forward to meeting you soon!

Come visit us soon! Our practice is located in Miami and proudly serves patients from all over Florida, including Naples, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Tampa, Ft. Myers, and many other areas.

Enhancing your image

Our job is to help you realize your dreams by offering the latest advances in the field of cosmetic surgery and image enhancement.

Neck Lift and Facelift Miami FAQ

You will be able to return home a few hours following your surgery. Special surgical bandages should be worn for about 24 to 48 hours. Your surgeon will remove the bandages.  You will experience some initial bruising, swelling, and redness that can last two to three weeks, however many patients can return to work with makeup in two weeks. You will return for a follow-up visit one or two days after your procedure.

Most facelift patients will need to recover for two weeks before returning to work and/or driving a car. You may need to postpone returning to work for three weeks if it requires strenuous activity.

Facelift incisions are placed in the hairline and behind the ears, which can be easily concealed. Neck lift incisions are located behind each ear and sometimes beneath the patient’s chin. For some neck lift patients, just the ear incisions will suffice. Some patients may develop mild scars depending on their natural healing process. Scarring will fade significantly over time.

Neck lift and facelift cost in Miami will depend on the surgical plan, doctor’s recommendations, the doctor’s experience in performing the procedure, and other factors. Schedule a consultation to learn more. 

We perform facelift and neck lift surgery using a general or IV sedation in combination with a local anesthetic. Both are safe and comfortable for the patient. This decision will be made with the patient based on the specific patient requirements and medical condition.

Facelift surgery does not address issues of the upper face. You can choose to combine brow lift surgery or eyelid surgery with your facelift and/or neck lift to improve upper facial aging.

At Imagos Plastic Surgery, we believe that nobody should face roadblocks when trying to look and feel amazing. We work with our patients to develop financing options that are affordable and convenient for them. Plastic surgery isn’t only for the elite, and that’s why we work with straightforward financing companies that understand the needs of our patients. Our financial advisors can walk you through all of your options, answering any questions you may have on the way.

We work closely with the leading lenders in the healthcare industry. Since everyone’s credit history and payment options won’t fit a one-size-fits-all plan, we don’t believe in offering only one financing avenue. We work closely with CareCredit®, Alphaeon® Credit, PROSPER, and United Medical Credit to find you the financial solution that meets your needs. You can easily apply and see what you’re approved for by clicking the links below.

A facelift may provide some minor improvement in surface wrinkles around the nose and mouth, but it is designed to treat skin laxity. If you have concerns with wrinkles, even after your facelift, routine injectable treatments and laser resurfacing can help you achieve smoother skin.

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